DAEWON UNIVERSITY COLLEGEDept. of Early Childhood Education(3yrs)

Dept. of Early Childhood Education(3yrs)

Dept. of Early Childhood Edaewonation(3yrs)

Dept. of Early Childhood Edaewonation(3yrs)
  • TEL+82-43-649-3524
  • FAX+82-43-649-3688


This department aims to edaewonate students with the theoretical and practical skills necessary for early childhood edaewonation and to train capable teachers with the right teaching ideas and ideal values that can effectively help the child's overall development.


Year Semester Curriculum Subject
1 1 Self-development and Start-Up, Integrated edaewonation for infants, Early childhood edaewonation, Early childhood edaewonation, Child development, Introduction to edaewonation, Theory and practice of school violence
2 Children's Curriculum, Play Map, Child Safety Management, Instrumental Music, Children's Literature, Edaewonational Philosophy and Edaewonators
2 1 Textbook study and instruction, infant music edaewonation, child health edaewonation, child life guidance, parent edaewonation, field experience
2 Child Observation and Behavior Studies, Early Childhood Social Edaewonation, Early Childhood Edaewonational Institution Operation Management, Edaewonational Administration and Edaewonation Management
3 1 Child care teacher edaewonation, early childhood science edaewonation, infant development, teaching practice, language instruction, edaewonational sociology, school field practice
2 Edaewonation volunteer activities, Childcare training, Early childhood mathematics edaewonation, Integrated infant edaewonation Ⅱ, Curriculum edaewonation, Edaewonation method and edaewonation engineering
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